Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This topic could have its own blog, I know... And it will: www.toiletiquette101.blogspot.com (coming soon).

I've noticed a reoccuring situation whenever I dare brave a public restroom - and I must interject: I know it's my own fault; karma and all, you see.

When I was little I used to be scared of the "flush." Yes, flushing the toilet brought out the boogeyman for me (one of many things that did, actually - I was, and still am, a scaredy-cat). I blame this on the movie, Candyman. I still vaguely remember a scene where the main character (in all her stupidity) enters some abandoned restroom and bees emerge from a toilet in the far stall. So, naturally, hence forth I skipped on flushing when I was younger. And would proceed to rush out of there asap.

Now, either the children of today are being forced to watch this traumatic movie... or some grownups have never outgrown the habit. I am constantly being flooded with nasty toilets!! But, like I said: karma. It's my own fault - for my somewhat irrational fear when I was younger.

So, now that I'm older and more mature and wise... or something like that... I attempt to repay my debt to society by flushing the toilets left before me (unless they're overflow material - those I leave for the professionals).

Oh - and I flip the toilet paper over so that it rolls off the top.

You're welcome.


  1. so what can i expect from this blog how can i contribute? feel free to use the "sittin on da toilet" video

  2. haha It definitely needs to go on there!

    I'm not sure what direction I want to take with it just yet, but I was thinking I wanted to appoint other admins to it, if anyone felt up to it (hint hint). I thought it would be a fun (and funny) group blog. Whatcha think??

  3. omg. candyman ruined me for life.

  4. Well I think that they are just proud of their accomplishment and want to show it off!! If I get an awesome one I take a picture and send it to Jen so she can critique it

  5. Glad I wasn't the only one, Sharon!

    Only you, Ron... Only you...
