Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Save a Christian Blogathon

Let me preface this post by clarifying: Christian is my son. The following is in no way a religious campaign.

You know those mothers, the ones who think their children are so sweet and innocent...?? The teacher must have something against their children, or maybe their child is just misunderstood. Well, lately I have been that mother. And I really don't WANT to be. But I keep feeling like maybe that persona just crept through for an unexpected visit. And to me, that's as bad as those women on A Baby Story who reenact their own personal version of The Exorcist during labor [and, for the record, my immense disgust - and probably FEAR of becoming one of those women - kept me from becoming Linda Blair. My sister is my witness. Two points for me :) ].

My son has always been my child with a big heart. He's actually my sweet one: so loving and giving - melt your heart kind of sweet when you catch it. But, for some reason, he's the one with the behavior problem at school here recently. My "Miss Independent" know-it-all daughter (who is only six, by the way) is on her perfect color everyday, and my angelic little boy has horns that emerge between 8 AM and 2 PM.

In all honesty, I'm completely clueless about how to 'fix' the situation - or even make it a little better. He's in "Time Out" EVERY DAY now. I'm lucky if he takes one day off from his new routine a week! Last Friday was his only good day all week!

I've tried rewarding him at the end of the week with little Hot Wheelz cars, if he manages to stay out of TO.

I've tried taking away video games (and even took away watching someone else play them).

I've tried taking away all his sleep buddies (and then letting him earn one back with every Non-Time Out day).

I've even tried spankings - which I feel is kind of like spanking a dog when you've caught him an hour or two after he's peed on the floor... What's the point??

So, my latest attempt: Today I got his sister a big surprise as a reward for having such good behavior. Being excluded brought bug crocodile tears to my little boy's eyes at first (here's my heart; I saved you the trouble of RIPPING it out), but it was pretty soon out of sight, out of mind. I guess I have to wait til tomorrow to see if it made a dent.

Til then, the blog lines are open and accepting your verbal donations toward this great cause. The comment is free, and YOU could potentially help save a Christian... and his butt.


  1. You know what would get more ppl to post comments to this post? A pic of the big crocodile tears streaming from the lil man's cheeks. Just sayin....

  2. cruel... just cruel... this must be RON posting.

  3. I give Bean a quarter every time she does somethin good. We've been potty trained for quite some time, but she went through that stage where they forget that they can use the toilet. So I started telling her I'd give her a quarter every time she goes on the potty. It took a bit, but now it works, and it's starting to work for other things. So I think you're on the right track!

  4. My kids would totally be up for getting money!! I may go broke, though...
