Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quick & Mini

Once again I've let my blogging responsibilities slack, so I thought I'd get on here and give my millions of readers a quick n mini update on things:

1. I made it through the THREE dance classes I was to sub - not without my usual 2-day post aches and pains - but it was fun! I had "I Look Good" stuck in my head for days... (and now I do again)

2. I just booked my 2nd wedding! YAY!! I'm shooting a lovely lass I've known for many years and meeting her hubbie-to-be on the 26th for their engagement shoot. I can't wait to share what we come up with!!

3. FOTY is still being just that: Father of the Year. I don't want to devote too much energy to it, but he and his family are ri·dic·u·lous. I saw his charming sister out at Chick-fil-a, feeding HER children junk... *gasp* The kids all spoke to one another, and she avoided eye contact with me.

4. One of my only friends from the ATL just text me to tell me her beloved proposed!! Congrats, B! {I foresee travel and another wedding in my future ;) }

5. I'm getting back into my painting & crochet'ing <--- I can't type that word properly without thinking of "shitting" / I don't know. Don't ask.

6. I'm still single and lovin it. Sure, there are those moments when I long for someone to dote on me... but then I remember I'd rather the universe send Mr. Right into my life, rather than settling for Mr. Conveniently Right Now.

7. I don't really have a Seven, but it's my favorite number, and as such, should be included.

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